Sunday, December 9, 2012

Anonymous how do I count the ways...caution read at your own risk! there will be grammatical errors!!

Hello my lovelies... I've been pondering what to blog about lately and I've decided I’m going to blog about my new friend “anonymous”. If you’re brand new just refer to prior blog and read the comments. I was considering the tone of the comment that was left. It was obviously meant to offended and anger me. Sorry anonymous, hate to disappoint but I was having a rather bad day and reading your failed attempt to insult, criticize and appear more educated turned my day  around. Oh by the way you spelled inbreed wrong you fucking yokel.

 Don’t ask me why someone else’s stupidity makes me chuckle .Maybe it’s the opportunity to verbally assault such ignorance. Any how it also got me thinking on how we can look or read the same thing and interpret it completely different from one another. Maybe that’s the aphrodisiac of being an artist. Soaking up each perspective and responding by recycling it into another singular perspective either on canvas, paper, and blogging. Often when I cut myself off from humane connections my inspiration seems to be depleted. Its only when I’m engaging on some level that I can bring creativity to the forefront.

 Anonymous goal was to humiliate me in some way. For some reason my little tale about the pot pushing teenage loser offended this person so much as to be compelled to express their distress AND continue to watch my blog!  Anonymous you do know your obvious personal grudge against me and the effort you put to express that was far from insulting. Actually it is rather flattering. How is it anonymous my words had so much control over you?  Anyways the main reason I’m blogging about anonymous here is because after reading the comment again with a friend, who I may add almost peed their fucking pants, I realized you didn't really read my little tale at all. Oh you raced through but not with any reading comprehension skills leading the way and I’ll tell ya how I know that in just a bit.

 Anyone that knows me well knows my obsession with understanding human nature. I was a behavior modification specialist working with Alzheimer’s patients for a while. This gave me a unique and rather different perspective on things. most know you can find out everything that is necessary to know about someone by not only their body language but how their body language maneuvers through varies situations? You can also learn a lot about someone without even seeing them by the words you see on your pc screen every day in whatever social circle you engage in.

  Many have said not true. You can’t see the real emotion with just letters on a screen. This is just the most ignorant thing to say considering poets have been pouring emotion out in words for centuries. Even if the person you’re chatting it up with is Brian the programmer from Texas but in reality a fucking creepy yokel from Lake Helen with Cheetos stuck in their fat rolls, if you pay close enough attention you’ll spot the creepy. Just with very simple observations like how certain words are used. You can assume age by certain phrases or slang used . You can gauge their confidence or lack thereof on how they interact in the cyber world just by reading their words and watching how they weave those words maneuvering from one situation to the next. I also find people who come off immediately as a force to be reckoned with, as shown by anonymuts vulgar attempt to humiliate; desperately want to be validated in some way but haven’t the balls or confidence to demand that validation looking you in the face so to speak.   Anyways pay attention to the little things and after some practice you’ll be a cyber creepinator in no time.

   It’s fascinating to me how many put tremendous effort in hiding themselves. They don’t seem to realize how many selves they actually have to hide. An individual and their lifetime of experience couldn't possibly be crammed into one neat little box called you. If you go to the bar to meet friends your body language tone of voice and confidence are going to be drastically different than at your 9 to 5 job. We have many faces. The more dynamic a person is the more faces they have. As if a knee jerk reaction subconsciously a face of you has been chosen to fit the given situation you are in.  To use the internet as a forum to be someone completely new in actuality would be utterly exhausting. There are too many facets/faces of an individual. You are you times 10 all grounded to the core of who you are. It can’t be changed or disguised in anyway really. You can divert people from noticing the core of which you are but never truly hide it or temporarily change it. I think what’s difficult as we push on through our travels is distinguishing what is the core and what is simply habits developed around the core. Anyways I should get back to anonymut.

 So how do I know you didn't read my blog with intention of comprehension? How do I know you just grazed it seeing an opportunity to engage in what you thought would be a hurtful blow? How do I know that anonymut is someone that I know and that I’m willing to bet my first born is a female?

First you end what you thought was an intelligent and harsh chastising with ...

“Oh, and shame on you for trying to trash a minor's reputation online. I hope his parents sue and end up owning your trailer.”

 Um you champion a 17 year old creepy fuck that pushes drugs on 8 year olds?? Come on now!! Lmfao look even being as clearly ignorant as you obviously are it’s equally obvious you didn't really “read” the blog. Your race to beat my superiority with your stupidiority clearly lost any momentum it possibly could have had with that ridiculous statement. Lord knows drug pusher’s reputations are far more important than the safety of children! You may not want to visit Lake Helen but I’m starting to suspect your on offspring of inbreed stupid and common stupid. Fucking yokels! Hahahaha limber up and double tap bitches we got a live one here!  Oh and since your with the grammar police that first sentence where I quote you word for word is a fragmented sentence. That’s a penalty!! Play the rocky song bitch because you need to DO better!!

Second I don’t see many males using the phrase ‘shame on you”. Like seriously who the fuck says “shame on you” I can’t help but visualize some old women waving a spoon at you for cutting in line or something equally as gay.

“Wow, and you think you're the intelligent one? Never mind the horror of your childish font on my eyes, but your spelling and grammar is simply atrocious. “
“Remember, you're the one that spread her legs for "the village idiot of the year" and bore his (we presume) children. I'm guessing you were about 13 then..? Judging by your sense of superiority over the other inbreds, you probably got one thing right - "a whole fucking town of idiots".”

Um I know I mentioned this in the beginning but its INBREEDS not INBREDS. Another penalty folks!!!! How the fuck can you chastise someone about grammar when you misspell Inbreed?!!

 Only a woman would have such a tone as this to another woman. If some dude left this id assumes he was gay. Not to mention its way to personal and wordy. Men tend to not be so wordy in such a personal way over a topic like inbreeds yokels and zombie apocalypse.

OK now let’s back up a bit  to “Remember, you’re the one who spread her legs for “the village idiot of the year” and bore his (we presume) children.” Actually they weren't children. There demon spawns from middle earth that suck the freaking life out of me. Shit have you seen the cost of toys now days of course im rockin a trailer bitch! Oh and why so much hate for the trailers? I mean  considering right now the sales of mobile homes aka trailers and modular homes is booming due to the economy and peoples change of attitude on where they would rather spend their time and money. There affordable and easy to maintain for one thing. For another, banks are so unstable right now and with a slow growth economy and a struggling housing market with home prices continuing to decline , high rate of foreclosures and a serious decline in trade and industry, not to mention that we're in a FUCKING recession! When homes sell way below their actual value the banks lose money. Where and how do you think they’re gonna make up for that? A fucking trailer aka mobile home, modular home whatever, you can buy without the need to take out a loan. Hmm Mobile home isn't looking to bad considering anonymut

I'll wrap this up anonymut by responding to one last comment.

“and you think your intelligent”

why yes , yes I do and what’s beautiful is all the other ME’s think their intelligent to. And I can promise you whatever ME decides to pop up and babble We will never do it anonymously hiding behind a glowing screen of protection. If you feel the need to have an opinion, or feel the need to express your ignorance on my blog stand by your shit and have the balls baby doll to not hide behind anonymous.

Your yokel zombie stomping trailer loving  grammar hacking bitch,  Megan rose..

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